1.) Don’t lie about assets. Anything in your name needs to be listed with your assets. What’s an asset? Anything you could sell or own according to the law. 2.) Don’t leave out creditors or debts. If you leave out a debt then they can come after you for the money. All creditors must know...Read More
You may have your car repossessed or foreclosed on by a creditor if you are unable to keep up with the payments. As a result, the property will be sold by the bank, putting the amount of that sale against the value of the debt. If the debt isn’t covered by this sale, you will...Read More
Completing a personal bankruptcy checklist prior to filing for bankruptcy can be an overwhelming. Navigating the petition can, however, is made much easier if it’s remembered that the information required in the petition can be divided into several easy-to-understand categories of figures. Assets A debtor’s bankruptcy filing has to list all assets so the extent...Read More
When debtors realize that they have more debt than income and it begins to feel as if there’s no way out, it’s time to consider financial freedom through personal bankruptcy. There are a lot of different things to consider when filing for bankruptcy, such as the chapter that will help the debtor most and the...Read More
By Ira Kantor Monday, August 13, 2012 Nationwide bankruptcy filings fell sharply in the first six months of 2012 to 627,000, compared to 725,000 for the same period last year, according to a report issued today by CreditCards.com. In the Bay State, 9,118 people filed for bankruptcy in the first half of 2012, which represents...Read More
When filing for personal bankruptcy in Massachusetts, you can have a multitude of questions. You may want to know whether one can keep assets like a home, car or furniture after filing for bankruptcy. Understanding which property may be exempt in your bankruptcy proceeding requires an understanding of the federal Bankruptcy Code and specific state...Read More
Co-Signors and Debt Discharge Filing for bankruptcy protection is a safeguard that enables a debtor to discharge his debts after filing for bankruptcy. He is therefore relieved of the duty to repay any outstanding debts. Unfortunately, any remaining co-signor or co-signors would still be responsible for the debt because the discharge is specific to the...Read More
Filing for bankruptcy can be a difficult yet necessary decision. A Chapter 13 filing allows debtors with valuable assets such as property to reorganize their debt and repay creditors according to a plan devised in consultation with a bankruptcy attorney and the Chapter 13 Trustee. Those wishing to file for Chapter 13 in Massachusetts should...Read More