Mass. Personal Bankruptcy Attorneys serving Plymouth, Taunton, Brockton and South Shore of MA Financial hardship…
Learn MoreYES, you can stop a foreclosure with a timely Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filing. The “automatic stay” provision will stop…
Learn MoreBankruptcy is a legal proceeding in which an individual who cannot pay his/her bills can get a fresh financial start…
Learn MoreWe can answer your questions, offer suggestions, and make it easier to begin the next financial phase of your life.
Learn MoreAlthough some will say the economy is stabilizing, the economic situation that we are currently facing has created a much very different reality for many individuals and businesses today. The financial crisis so many are facing has forced countless people – homeowners and business owners alike to make some very difficult decisions regarding their debt, their spending, and even bankruptcy. None of these decisions are easy to make but understanding your options can help tremendously. The Law Office of Brian R. Lewis is committed to helping you understand your options as well as working with you to find the very best solution for your current situation.
Massachusetts bankruptcy attorney, Brian R. Lewis carries over eighteen years of experience and a proven track record of providing legal advice and representation in matters related to bankruptcy, foreclosures, and debt relief. Servicing the South Shore and Eastern Massachusetts areas, our firm focuses on helping our clients achieve freedom from debt through both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You may also be surprised to know that there are solutions to your debt issues that do not always require you to file bankruptcy. However, when there is no better alternative, we will patiently answer your questions, explain the process, and guide you every step of the way. We will then set you on the right path to help you rebuild your credit after your case is complete. Call the Law Office of Brian R. Lewis today to schedule your free initial consultation – we will discuss your current financial situation and start your life over with a clean financial slate.
I understand that this is a very difficult situation for you and your family and I have the utmost compassion for the stress that each of my clients are facing. I take every effort to give each and every client a renewed hope and a sense of comfort that can result from the very powerful and effective solutions found in our bankruptcy laws.
My initial consultations are always free and I will never rush you into making a decision. I believe that my clients should confidently engage in our services after having a thorough opportunity to ask any and all questions that they may have. It is also my commitment to you that you will know the cost of our services from the very beginning – there will never be any surprises.
I understand that bankruptcy is not an easy choice, but in many cases it is the only option. Call the Law Office of Brian R. Lewis today to schedule your free initial consultation. One of our experienced bankruptcy lawyers will discuss your current financial situation and show you how to start your life over with a clean financial slate.
Thank you for considering our firm,
Brian R. Lewis – Massachusetts Attorney at Law