Most people want to pay their bills but unforeseen situations can arise such as unemployment, divorce, health issues that create a financial hardship which makes paying the bills impossible. When a person gets over the fear of filing for bankruptcy they can embrace the positive elements and the fresh start it can bring.

The positive elements of bankruptcy:

Save Your Home

A chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you restructure your late mortgage payments and keep your home.

A chapter 7 bankruptcy can hold off foreclosure and give you a chance to catch up on your payments. Either way it needs to be done in order to save your home from foreclosure.

Automatic Stay: Stop the Collection Calls

Once you file for bankruptcy the calls stop, creditors cannot call you or place suit against. This is usually the first benefit of filing bankruptcy and the one that brings the most emotional relief.

Prevent and Stop Garnishment of Your Wages:

Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will stop garnishment of your wages and prevent any further garnishment.

Keep Your Car

Just like filing bankruptcy to save your home, it can restructure your car loans and remove any liens on them. You can keep your car and mostly save you from losing your job when you are without transportation.

Get Rid of (discharge) Your Debt

When your bankruptcy is complete most or all of your debt will be discharged. That means a fresh start debt free, and an opportunity to rebuild your credit and life. Some debts cannot be discharged such as child support, student loans and certain types of taxes, your Massachusetts bankruptcy attorney will advise you of theses debts as the process starts.

Get a Fresh Start Today

If you are thinking about bankruptcy give one of your experienced bankruptcy attorneys a call at 508-946-3323. Our experienced Massachusetts bankruptcy attorneys will help you decide the best plan of action to give you a fresh start and be debt free.