You have recently emerged from bankruptcy, it is important to take a look at what caused the financial hardship and make sure you do not go down these paths again. Many people end up in bankruptcy due to bad luck (loss of job or medical issue) others have simply spent more than they could afford...Read More
1.) Don’t lie about assets. Anything in your name needs to be listed with your assets. What’s an asset? Anything you could sell or own according to the law. 2.) Don’t leave out creditors or debts. If you leave out a debt then they can come after you for the money. All creditors must know...Read More
You may have your car repossessed or foreclosed on by a creditor if you are unable to keep up with the payments. As a result, the property will be sold by the bank, putting the amount of that sale against the value of the debt. If the debt isn’t covered by this sale, you will...Read More
Completing a personal bankruptcy checklist prior to filing for bankruptcy can be an overwhelming. Navigating the petition can, however, is made much easier if it’s remembered that the information required in the petition can be divided into several easy-to-understand categories of figures. Assets A debtor’s bankruptcy filing has to list all assets so the extent...Read More
When filing for personal bankruptcy in Massachusetts, you can have a multitude of questions. You may want to know whether one can keep assets like a home, car or furniture after filing for bankruptcy. Understanding which property may be exempt in your bankruptcy proceeding requires an understanding of the federal Bankruptcy Code and specific state...Read More
Are you struggling financially and considering filing personal bankruptcy? Many people struggle greatly with this decision because they are so worried about the ramifications of their choice. However, most people are unaware of the fact that there are several advantages to filing personal bankruptcy that should be taken into consideration as well. Finding Support While...Read More
Foreclosure on your home is a miserable experience that can ruin your finances, your credit and leave you in the lurch trying to find suitable housing for your family. On top of the stress of trying to keep your home, you must fend off scammers trying to rip you off. These fraudulent companies take advantage...Read More
In these tough economic times, many are faced with the difficult decision of filing for bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one option that offers relief to those in debt by eliminating unsecured debts, like outstanding credit card bills. This particular type of bankruptcy, known as liquidation, is meant for those individuals, partners, or businesses that...Read More