You have recently emerged from bankruptcy, it is important to take a look at what caused the financial hardship and make sure you do not go down these paths again. Many people end up in bankruptcy due to bad luck (loss of job or medical issue) others have simply spent more than they could afford...Read More
This is a great article and Friendly Restaurants and ice cream are a New England tradition. I look forward to the bankruptcy helping them more forward. By Michael Bathon Dec. 29 (Bloomberg) — Friendly Ice Cream Corp., the 76- year-old restaurant chain, won court approval to sell the business, allowing it to be retained by...Read More
By Donna Goodison And Jerry Kronenberg Royal Bank of Scotland subsidiary has agreed to pay $52 million to settle charges that it traded more than 700 “presumptively unfair” sub-prime mortgages given to Massachusetts homeowners during the housing boom. The payment will settle allegations that RBS Financial Products Inc., formerly known as Greenwich Capital Financial Products...Read More